H-3 Visa

The petitioning company must demonstrate the following to obtain an H-3 visa:

  • Training Unavailable Abroad:The training must not be available in the applicant’s home country.
  • Non-Productive Employment:The trainee cannot be employed in a regular position within the company. Any employment must be incidental to the training and necessary to complete the program.
  • Benefit Abroad:The training must directly benefit the trainee in a career outside of the U.S.

The petitioning company must provide detailed information about the training program, including:

  • Program Description: A clear description of the type of training, supervision, and structure.
  • Time Allocation:The amount of time spent on classroom instruction versus on-the-job training.
  • Training Purpose:A detailed explanation of how the training will prepare the trainee for their career outside of the U.S.
  • Justification:The reasons why the training is necessary in the U.S. and cannot be obtained in the trainee’s home country.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Information on how the trainee will be remunerated and how the training benefits the U.S. company.

The H-3 petition will not be approved if the training program:

  • Lacks specific objectives, evaluation methods, or a fixed schedule.
  • Is unrelated to the petitioning company’s business.
  • Involves someone with substantial prior training or expertise in the field.
  • Includes productive employment that is not incidental to the training.
  • Appears to be designed for staffing the company’s U.S. operations.
  • Does not prove that the company has adequate facilities or qualified personnel to offer the training.
  • Is intended to extend practical training already received in the U.S. by a nonimmigrant student.
  • Duration:The H-3 visa is issued for the duration of the training program, up to two years.
  • No Annual Cap:There is no annual limit on the number of H-3 visas issued.
  • Dependents: Spouses and children of H-3 visa holders can apply for H-4 Dependent visas, but H-4 holders cannot work.
  • No Extensions:An H-3 visa holder cannot extend their stay beyond two years and cannot change to another nonimmigrant status easily.
  • Non-Dual Intent: The visa is not dual-intent, meaning the trainee must maintain a foreign residence and intend to return after the training.


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