For internationally recognized athletes, artists, or entertainers coming to the U.S. to compete or perform in an event with a distinguished reputation.
Application Process:
The petitioner must provide a contract (if applicable) and meet at least 2 of the following criteria:
- Participation in a major U.S. sports league
- International competition with a national team
- Significant participation in the U.S. intercollegiate activity
- Written statements from U.S. sports league officials or sports media experts.
- Proof of international rankings
- Evidence of a significant honor or award
Additionally, an advisory opinion from a relevant labor organization must confirm the applicant’s international recognition and the appropriateness of their role.
P-1 visas are typically issued for the length of the event or performance, with an initial validity of up to 5 years if a schedule of services is provided.
Other P Visa Qualifications:
- P-2 Visas:For artists or entertainers performing under a reciprocal exchange program between U.S. and foreign organizations.
- P-3 Visas:For individuals performing, teaching, or coaching art forms that are culturally unique.
- P1-S, P-2S, P-3S Visas: For essential support personnel who provide critical assistance to P-1, P-2, or P-3 visa holders.