recognized swimmer being trained by his coach

The petitioner must provide a contract (if applicable) and meet at least 2 of the following criteria:

  • Participation in a major U.S. sports league
  • International competition with a national team
  • Significant participation in the U.S. intercollegiate activity
  • Written statements from U.S. sports league officials or sports media experts.
  • Proof of international rankings
  • Evidence of a significant honor or award

Additionally, an advisory opinion from a relevant labor organization must confirm the applicant’s international recognition and the appropriateness of their role.

P-1 visas are typically issued for the length of the event or performance, with an initial validity of up to 5 years if a schedule of services is provided.

  • P-2 Visas:For artists or entertainers performing under a reciprocal exchange program between U.S. and foreign organizations.
  • P-3 Visas:For individuals performing, teaching, or coaching art forms that are culturally unique.
  • P1-S, P-2S, P-3S Visas: For essential support personnel who provide critical assistance to P-1, P-2, or P-3 visa holders.


We specialize in immigration, corporate, and labor solutions. Our services include corporate business planning, immigration compliance, and labor strategies, tailored to support businesses and organizations in maintaining industry leadership.

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